Would you rather?
I thought that it would be a good idea to do a 'get to know me' kind of post, and what better way to do that than with 10 would you rather questions, right?!
Would you rather...
Eat 6 big macs or Eat 50 chicken nuggets
Anybody that knows me will know that I absolutely adore chicken nuggets, so 50 chicken nuggets would be like heaven for me.
Have a lightsaber or Have a helper monkey
I would like to think that my helper monkey would be a jedi with a lightsaber, so it would be a win win situation for me...
Be half your height or Double your weight?
I think that I would rather be double my weight, because at least then you could lose the weight. Also I dont think my big head would suit a body that is half the size haha.
Live an average life and be forgotten or Go down in history for something terrible?
I consider myself as a generally nice person, so I really couldnt see myself doing something terrible, let alone something terrible that would make me go down in history. Even little things like forgetting to say please or thank you make me feel bad! Living an average life wouldnt be so bad, as long as you enjoyed yourself and did the things that you love, with the people that you love.
Eat the same meal for the rest of your life or Eat whatever you like except one poo sandwich a month?
For a food lover like me, eating the same meal for the rest of my life would be absolute torture, even if it was chicken nuggets! I think that sacrificing my tastebuds for one meal a month to eat a poo sandwich would be worth it to eat whatever I wanted, even if it would be hard to stomach (ew).
Have 20 million subscribers on youtube or Produce a blockbuster movie?
Creating a blockbuster movie would be awesome, especially if you were able to work with some of my favourite Hollywood actors, not mentioning any names *cough* Jennifer Lawrence *cough*. However, this doesnt mean that the movie would be successful or you would get any credit for it. On the other hand I have always wanted to start a Youtube channel myself but have never had the self confidence to follow through with it. Reaching 20 million subscribers would be a dream for anyone doing youtube, and you would get such a satisfying feeling knowing that people were watching to see you, and not for the actors.
Be the first person to set foot on Mars on a one way trip or Never go to space?
I am fascinated by everything about space, and would absolutely love to go if I had the chance. Being the first person to step off the space craft onto the 'big red planet' with the whole world watching would be such a surreal feeling. You would also go down in history, like Neil Armstrong on the moon. The only down side is that you would never see Earth or any lived ones ever again, so until there is a possibility of a return travel I would rather keep my feet planted firmly on this planet.
Go to the past and meet your ancestors or Go to the future and meet your great grandchildren?
This is a really tough question because I really want to do both. Going back to the past to meet my ancestors would answer so many questions that I have. What were they like? Where did they come from? Were they involved in any important parts if history? Dispite this we know more about the past and practically nothing about the future so I would go to the future and see my grandchildren, just to see what the future is like and if we still live the same way, and how everything has changed.
Be James Bond or Be Doctor Who?
Being James Bond would be pretty cool, but the chance of travelling anywhere i wanted to go though space and time (with a rather attractive female companion) would just be too good to refuse.
Have nipples that constantly change colour like a disco light or Have nipples made of diamond
As cool as having party nips would be, I think that flashing nipples would get quite annoying after a while, especially when you are trying to sleep. But, can you imagine how much your body would be worth with diamond nipples, not to mention how fabulous you would look.
Hope you have enjoyed reading through these rather random (and slightly strange) would you rather questions. Would you have gone for the same answers?
Go to the past and meet your ancestors or Go to the future and meet your great grandchildren?
This is a really tough question because I really want to do both. Going back to the past to meet my ancestors would answer so many questions that I have. What were they like? Where did they come from? Were they involved in any important parts if history? Dispite this we know more about the past and practically nothing about the future so I would go to the future and see my grandchildren, just to see what the future is like and if we still live the same way, and how everything has changed.
Be James Bond or Be Doctor Who?
Being James Bond would be pretty cool, but the chance of travelling anywhere i wanted to go though space and time (with a rather attractive female companion) would just be too good to refuse.
Have nipples that constantly change colour like a disco light or Have nipples made of diamond
As cool as having party nips would be, I think that flashing nipples would get quite annoying after a while, especially when you are trying to sleep. But, can you imagine how much your body would be worth with diamond nipples, not to mention how fabulous you would look.
Hope you have enjoyed reading through these rather random (and slightly strange) would you rather questions. Would you have gone for the same answers?
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