It can be very tempting to believe somebody that convinces you that you can't achieve your dreams. For some people it may feel like there is a person or past memory that is holding them back from happiness in their future, I think it is so important that when somebody tells you that you cant achieve something that you are passionate about in life, you use that as a form of motivation and determination to prove them wrong. Don't hold out for the approval of others and let it determine your happiness or self worth as a person, life gets a lot more easy when you let go of all of those little worries about what other people are thinking about you and start doing more things that make you genuinely happy. If you want to go out and adventure at 2am then you do that, if you want to wear different clothes to everyone else then you wear them with pride, if you have a passion, talent or image that isn't generally accepted as the 'social norm' then who cares as long as you're happy. I admire anybody that is able and self confident enough to step up and be their own person and stand out from the crowd, to portray the passion, creativity and motivation to achieve whatever they want in life, despite what anybody else thinks.
'There are far far better things ahead than anything that we leave behind'
Everybody has a concious or subconscious habit of comparing little things about themselves to other people, myself included. When comparing yourself to other people, remember that people are usually rewarded in public for something that they have practised for years in private. Some people say not to compare your beginning to somebody else's end, but I think this can be a positive thing to do. Don't let it get you down that you're not as good as them or as naturally talented at this moment in time, use their success as motivation and inspiration to further better your own talents, say to yourself that 'I will get to their level, I will better them, I can do it'. Success is all about positivity, having that belief in yourself and the will power to spend every little bit of energy on this dream until you achieve it. You have to improve your mind set within before you start to see positive effects on the outside, overcome those negative thoughts and defeatist attitude, don't give up before you have even started and become a 'no matter what person', do whatever it takes to achieve happiness and success within life.
'Be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing that we were something that we aren't. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses and it is only when you accept everything that you are - and aren't - that you will truly succeed'
We have this wonderful freedom in life to create our own destinies and choose a path on which to follow on this little journey of existence, but still people tend to feel trapped in the same old routine day after day. I know it can be easier said than done but there is nothing stopping you spontaneously travelling and experiencing more of the world, eradicating negative people from your life and surrounding yourself with people that bring out the best in you instead. Stop worrying so much about things that are beyond your control, especially the past and focus your mind and energy on the positive difference that you can make on the future, the things that you can feel grateful for and embrace every positive little thing about yourself. We sometimes get so caught up in the destination that we forget to enjoy the journey, especially the wonderful experiences and goodness of the people that we meet along the way, appreciate every day in life, every single one of them made you into the awesome person that you are today.
'Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently'
There is a saying that 'people are held back by their fear of failure', they would rather set a minimal goal and achieve it than aim as high as possible, learning more and achieving greater things but with the higher risk of failure. What these people tend not to realise is that the key to success is learning from these failures and allowing them to better you as a person. Failure is not a loss, it's a significant gain that allows you to learn, change and grow. Everybody is bound to fail at some point in their lives, it's the people who get back up again, determined to succeed who make the difference. Set higher goals for yourself and dream big, find a better sense of purpose in this world, constantly strive to learn and better yourself and most importantly believe in yourself, even when nobody else believes in you.
Always remember that today is another fresh start, another chance to move closer to your dreams and goals, believe in yourself and you can do it.