Summer Bucket List

As it is now officially summer time, I thought that it would be a good idea to put together a bucket list of all the things I want to achieve this summer in the hope that it will make me more productive, rather than spending the days hiding up under my duvet with the curtains closed watching countless episodes of breaking bad.

1. Visit the zoo
2. Spend lots of time relaxing on the beach
3. Do something completely out of my comfort zone
4. Improve my cooking / baking skills
5. Make homemade icecream
6. Be more experimental with different foods rather than eating the same meals
7. Go an entire day without using any technology (this is a tricky one)
8. Get up extra early and watch the sun rise
9. Grab a blanket and star gaze
10. Eat healthy and use the gym as often as possible
11. Go camping for the first time
12. Make a delicious pancake breakfast
13. Explore somewhere that I have never been before
14. Improve somebody else's life by volunteering
15. Document a day using only photographs
16. Blog about all of the above!

Hopefully I will be able to get through these and blog about the results.

What is on your summer bucket list?

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