Being a teenager, I am used to thriving on a minimal amount of sleep after late nights and dreaded early mornings. A lack of beauty sleep makes it incredibly difficult to drag yourself out of the warm and comfortable mound of pillows and blankets that you and I like to call bed. A few weeks ago I began to research methods to make getting out of bed a little easier and was so impressed with the results that I just had to share the tips that helped me even on the most miserable of Monday mornings.
Music makes the world go round
If you are a music addict like me, then what better way to start the day than listening to your favourite song or album right? Music is my main source of motivation at any time of the day, but i find it especially effective early in the morning. A motivating song that gives you that warm, happy feeling inside will cause your body to release a pleasure hormone called dopamine, so you'll be up and dancing around in no time!
Down a pint
A refreshing glass of ice cold water first thing in the morning is a sure way to raise your metabolism, encouraging positivity, stopping dehydration and increasing concentration.
Midnight munchies
One of the reasons that you feel so exhausted first thing in the morning is that your body has had no energy for the whole time you have been sleeping. Eating an easy to digest snack (I usually go for a yoghurt or milk) just before bed will ensure you're body has enough fuel to prevent that groggy morning feeling. (Anything too heavy will be difficult to digest and will stop you from sleeping.)
Caffeine fix
All I can say is thank God for coffee! Whether I have been up late into the evening putting the finishing touches to an important essay the night before the deadline, or needed a little boost in the morning, coffee has always been there for me. Recently I have been trying to substitute coffee for green tea, which is such a brilliant metabolism boost, as well as reducing the risk of all sorts of diseases, including cancer and Alzheimers, and being amazing for your skin.
Get the blood flowing
A little bit of light exercise in the morning gets the endorphins in your body flowing, as well as keeping your body in top shape, and has really helped me to wake up and become more alert in the morning. Usually I start with a few sit ups to put off leaving the warmth of my bed for as long as possible, and the move on to a few sets of press ups before showering.
Last resort
Cold shower. I call this the last resort because it is not the most pleasant way to start the morning, but when all else fails this is a great way to shock your body into feeling alert and you will leave the shower feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day, if not a little bit chilly.
Hope this helped!
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