Being Original in The World of Blogging

You often hear the same thing when reading posts about blogging advice or taking part in blogging chats which is to try your best to create original and unique content to gain more views or to make your blog stand out from the rest. Although it may sound like it makes sense, I find that there are two main downfalls with this idea:

1. When somebody in the bloggisphere comes up with a unique idea for a post and publish this for all to see, you can almost guarantee that somebody else will read this and write their own take on the post, talk about a similar topic or review the same product, thus making your idea no longer original.

2. People say that creative and original content will draw readers to your blog, but I don't find this to be the case. Most of the views on my posts are on 'mainstream' or popular topics to blog about, which dwarfs the well thought out posts which I put a lot of time and effort into making unique and felt genuinely pleased with at the end.

This can sometimes lead you to feel demotivated that all of your hard work has not paid off and leave you tempted to just jump on the bandwagon, blogging about the same thing as everyone else to get increase your views rather than thinking about the quality of your content. I pride myself on always trying to write original and interesting content, which I will never substitute for page views or to draw more readers to my page. Writing about innovative topics, having a creative writing style full of personality or coming up with imaginative products to review may not attract as many readers as blogging about the mainstream brands or topics but the benefit it has is making readers stay, follow and read your blog again.

It feels like there is so much pressure on the blogging community to review the latest products or blog about things that everyone is talking about just to get as many views as possible, yes it probably brings in a few more readers than usual but it also leads to so many blog posts on the same things. The truth is that even blogging about something common or 'in season' doesn't guarantee you hundreds of blog views, you are going to have to try to be different from every other blogger out there in order to stand out from the crowd in an area that is saturated with similar blog posts. I don't actually mind getting a different perspective on the same sort of topics but after a while it can get rather repetitive reading the same thing over and over again. This is why I think it's important to find a way to make yours more unique, by adding a little personality to keep the reader interested, formatting it in a different way or using some unique photography to draw readers in. Actually research what you are talking about or give your view on what you are writing rather than just stating the facts that everybody already knows, so that the reader actually gains something from the post.

I don't know if anybody else feels the same, maybe its just my experience with blogging, but I am hoping that by continuing to work hard and trying my best to be original, creative and stand out from other blogs by making sure that mine represents me, some day it will get the recognition for it.

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